Starting Them Young
In keeping with our vision of rediscovering serving and revitalising our youths, HVMC has been keen supporters of the mission work ongoing in Timor Leste. It was with great excitement that we partnered with Aldersgate Methodist Church to send four of our church members, to run a youth camp for the St Paul Methodist School students in Timor Leste. The trip was from June 11-18th 2023.
With the Aldersgate Methodist Church team
Campsite at St Paul Methodist School in Metinaro, Dili
University student, Jeanne, and LMS (International Ministry) Sapphire and her family, share their reflections on the trip.
Jeanne teaching English through games
As someone who has never embarked on a mission trip before, I saw this trip to Timor Leste as a way to widen my horizons, experience an entirely new culture in a country I’ve never visited before, and to find out what missions is all about.
Initially, I was hesitant to go on the trip due to financial considerations, as I am still a student. However, with the Church’s support, I was able to prepare for it, with a lighter weight on my shoulders.
Although short, this one-week trip showed me how God has been working through all the missionaries there, to impact the people living in Timor Leste: even in the small things, such as making sure that the kids had balanced meals, which many of us sometimes take for granted. Seeing all these, and talking to the people there, also helped me gain a new perspective in my personal walk with God. I was reminded of how we need not fear because God will provide, but more importantly, I saw what gratefulness looks like. Overall, I would encourage others to go on mission trips, because the friendships and experiences I’ve gained are things which I will remember for a lifetime.
- Jeanne Tan
I have a passion for missions, and after my first recce trip to Timor Leste in February this year, I was keen to do a follow-up trip.
Three things made it special for me:
As this was our family’s first mission trip together, I saw and experienced how our family dynamics came into play. As my son and I co-led a team together, I witnessed my son’s strengths, gifting and “another side” of him I’ve not seen before!
This was the first time I had youths leading me and it was truly a humbling learning experience. I saw their eagerness and conviction to want to be servant-leaders and I was truly moved.
This trip further reinforced my calling to be “out there in the field” and I can’t wait for the Lord to launch our family out again!
I thank God for the financial support given to us by our Church, and we were especially touched by the overwhelming and timely support from some Life groups, WSCS members and individuals. To me, this was a miracle and it confirmed that God really wanted us to go on this trip by providing the support that we needed. All glory to Him!
Finally, I would like to encourage everyone, especially those who have yet to go on a mission trip, to find out for themselves first-hand, what God is doing for the people in other parts of the world. I can assure you that it will really be an enriching and memorable experience!
- Sapphire Daogas
Benjamin cooking & serving dinner
What prompted me to go on this trip was my wife’s encouragement and since it’s also the country that our Church has adopted, I felt that I should go to see the land and to get to know the people.
God was always at work during our mission trip, especially when we humbled ourselves by demonstrating a servant’s attitude. I saw how the Lord moved when we washed the feet of the students. Many students cried and because they were touched, they, in return, responded by washing our feet and that of their fellow students and teachers too.
Last but not least, if it were not for our Church and members’ generous financial support, our family would not have been able to go on this fruitful trip, where we had the opportunity to partner with God in the work there. I was impressed that God was raising up the students as men and women of God, and it’s a privilege for us to be a part of what God is doing in their lives. I felt very blessed and thankful for the experience God has given me.
- Benjamin Daogas
My parents had encouraged me to go with them on my first mission trip and I thank God for a blessed experience and hope that more young people will join in future mission trips.
During my time in Timor Leste, I saw God in:
the good weather He had given us throughout the week we were there!
the way the students worshipped Him.
the fun I had when I ran around the backyard to help catch chickens in Gleno. It was my first time handling live chickens!
His protection over me: that I did not fall sick when I had to take cold showers in the chilly nights up in the mountain in Gleno.
the beautiful stars He created for us to enjoy and admire when we went up to the rooftop in Gleno.
the new friends we made on the last day of our camp in Dili.
To God be the glory!
- Benson Daogas
Michelle Ting
LCEC (Missions)