A Mission of Faith, Hope & Love


By Gan Yuan Ying

L to R: Thomas Handoyo, Mun Kwok On, Angela Tan, Janine Lum, Gan Yuan Ying, Benjamin Daogas

I never thought I’d have a reason or opportunity to visit Timor Leste. This changed when Mun Kwok On told me about the trip to Timor Leste, from 4 to 9 July, organized by the Methodist Missions Society for the Opening Ceremony and Dedication Service of the new school building for St Paul Methodist School (SPMS).

As it was my first trip to Timor Leste, I wasn’t sure what to expect during my stay there. It was a great experience being able to meet David Chan, the founder of the School, hearing about the amazing journey that SPMS has gone through since its founding in 2016 with 18 children, and now having grown to become an 800-strong institution. The opening ceremony was also attended by the various individuals who have made the School and the construction of the new building possible. It was a reflection of the unity of the Methodist churches, the wider church community and beyond, in sharing God’s love to serve the Timor Leste community. David’s journey to found SPMS, is also a testament of God’s goodness and faithfulness that began with the obedience to a call to serve. 

I also had a chance to visit Sundermeier Home, a hostel for youths attending senior high school. This hostel located near the School has helped reduce the long travelling time for some of the students living in villages further away. Students also benefit from English lessons at the Home and the nightly devotion led by the house parents. Hearing the testimonies of the previous hostel residents who have graduated and now returned to lead and serve as house parents, was heart-warming. They are living testimonies of the fruits reaped from the seeds sown by missionaries who have dedicated their time and energy to nurture these youths over many years.

I believe there is still more work to be done in Timor Leste. May we keep the people and missionaries of Timor Leste in prayer, as they continue the good work of sharing God’s love and faithfulness!

HVMC is excited to be planning for, and sending our youth to help run the post exam activities at SPMS this November. We deeply appreciate your prayers and support, as we continue to actively participate in the Great Commission.  

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Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


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