Getting Into the Heart of Worship


by Channie Saurajen
Prayer Ministry

My experience at my first Prayer and Worship Night was something I have never experienced before in my many years of worship leading. The presence of the Holy Spirit was strong, and you could feel, and see it working in all those present. It was a night when everyone was centred on Jesus, everyone was truly in the Heart of Worship.
- Paul Chew

So, what is Prayer and Worship Night all about? 

It began with Pastor Jeremy wanting to bring our church together to worship God through prayer and singing. 

A small group of church members, together with the HVMC music team, serve in this ministry. From 7:30 pm to 9.00 pm, every last Friday of the month, we start with worship songs at Level 6, John Wesley Hall, Sports Block. Then we move to praying based on the focus or theme for that month. In between each prayer time we would sing together.  

For example, at a recent Prayer Night, we prayed for HVMC life groups and families. It was so heart-warming to see many life group members and families praying for each other and singing together. Understandably some may feel shy about praying with others. No one is “pressured” to pray, but certainly encouraged to join. 

The Bible also mentions believers who worship together through praying and singing. In Acts 16:25, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God. 

Prayer & Worship evenings are to me the heartbeat of the church, when we gather together as God’s family to worship Him, and to share and bring our concerns before Him. It's a privilege and joy to be able to participate in a heaven on earth event.
- Christopher Loo

Recently, I had a concern.  I would have normally just stayed home to ruminate, but I decided to attend Prayer and Worship Night. In the midst of praying and singing, I felt encouraged. My situation didn’t change immediately, and I didn’t feel the need to share my concern with anyone. But I somehow felt comforted and not alone. Also, since attending these sessions, my personal prayer time has been more regular. 

For me personally, Prayer and Worship Night is a beautiful time of connecting with God, and having worship fellowship with my HVMC friends. 

The recent HVMC Prayer and Worship night was an intimate encounter for me with the Lord. I came to Singapore for an internship, and decided to attend HVMC services on Sundays. Before attending the Worship night, I did not know what to expect. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere of the session, and how it allowed me to reflect, and to sense everyone's desire to encounter the Lord, especially as I heard different voices singing passionately during the worship session. The music, singing, and lighting really allowed me to feel the presence of the Lord. During the prayer segments, the collective passion to pray for the youths ignited within me a desire to dedicate my prayers and actions to help not only them, but the people around me. I was also reminded, and encouraged, to surrender my burdens to the Lord through the powerful symbolism of placing down a rock and taking up the cross. It was my first time attending a Prayer and Worship Night at HVMC, and I can say with joy, that I had a spectacular time.
- Hannah Sin 

My prayer is to see many from our congregation join us and experience it for themselves. Maybe we may even move to a bigger venue as more join us! 

Here’s a taste of what to expect at Prayer & Worship Night: link 

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