Partners in Christ

Benjamin presenting the School Ministry strategy


The three strategies outlined by Pastor Jeremy Ong, for an HVMC-ACS (International) partnership, are not meant to be thought of in terms of percentages but rather that Support is the foundation of Spiritual Direction and Discipleship. Without Support, the entire strategy would fail.


Doing what the School needs to succeed

HVMC aims to not only support the School through money and resources, but hopes to rally our church members to be present at events to build close relationships with the school staff, students and parents. As our members are increasingly known to them, our Church can then be a city that is set on a hill and we can then shine our light amongst the ACS (International) community.

Do keep a lookout for events which you can join in the upcoming school year!


How we can bring a revival to the spiritual state of the School 

Every revival in history has started off with God’s sons and daughters seeking Him fervently in prayer. Therefore, revival needs to start with the  School’s Christian students, staff and parents seeking God to move mightily in their School.  HVMC has already been partnering the School in prayer, running bi-termly prayer meetings with the staff of ACS (International).

We are also praying fervently for the School as a church community every last Sunday of the month from 9.30am – 10.15am. So, do join us and let’s partner with God in His work, on our knees! Do also pray for me, as I do the work of discipling the students, in order that they may be set on fire for God!


How we can get students plugged into HVMC

If a student or staff were to come into our church services or life groups today, would we be ready to receive them, to disciple them and to love them? Are we ready to be the bridge for them to come into HVMC to be planted in the House of the Lord? We must prepare ourselves to receive the harvest and disciple those who come in.

Some recent HVMC-ACS(International) partnership events:-

HVMC member, Audrey Lee, one of the volunteers at the School’s International Day carnival held on 8 August 2023, shares:

“Earl grey milk or jasmine passion fruit? ACS (International) students were treated to these bubble tea flavours at International Day, an annual school event. This is the first year HVMC is participating by sponsoring a drink stall. 400 cups of bubble tea were very quickly snapped up by students, and volunteers had an opportunity to chat with the students and share about our Church and the upcoming activities for the Youth Ministry.”

Audrey (in yellow) & Ps Jeremy with HVMC volunteers

Another partnership event, the School’s annual Choice to Run, took place on the Saturday morning of 26 August. A record-breaking number of more than 300 participants were gathered in the Sports Hall to run for charity. This year’s beneficiary was Habitat for Humanity, and being able to raise funds to restore the dignity of people by providing housing for them was so meaningful! HVMC provided a live popcorn station and some of our members participated in the run.

Team from HVMC

The School organizers of the Run extended their gratitude to HVMC for helping to publicize the event during Sunday Church services; for the Church’s prayer support and to Pastor Jeremy for starting the event with his opening prayer. They were filled with joy to witness a developing partnership between the Church and the School.

May every single one of us be ready to respond to God’s call to the mission field He has given to HVMC, through our presence, our prayers and our preparation!


Benjamin Quek
LMS (School Ministry) 

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.

Heart to Heart


A Journey to Holiness