Heart to Heart


Here’s something for you to think about: you have two hearts…

First, there is the PHYSICAL heart. It is about the size of your fist and is found in the centre of your chest. This heart takes in used blood, replenishes it with oxygen, and literally pumps the renewed blood to all the areas in your body that let you think, move, and be cleansed of impurities.

It is the hardest working muscle in your body, and carries on beating throughout your life without you having to think about it. Keeping the heart in good shape is all about having a healthy diet as well as regular physical activity and exercise: important things to do as the heart is the vital centre of your physical existence.

And then there is the heart which the Bible mentions more than 500 times (NIV version): the SPIRITUAL heart. This heart beats by the immeasurable power of God’s love. It is unfailing and guides how you think and how you act, while cleansing you from sin and worldly impurities. It is the essential centre of your Christian existence.

So how do you keep this spiritual heart healthy?

Well, by the same principles that maintain your physical heart health. 

Good diet. This is all about feeding your spiritual heart with God’s wisdom and His Word:  reading and studying the Bible on your own, with others, and through weekly church worship. These “diet” activities are most spiritually nourishing when they are regular and intentional, as you look to Jesus to meet your hunger needs. And on this bread of life, you can feast to your (spiritual) heart’s content! (John 6:35).

Regular exercise. Well-fed on His Word, it’s time for some regular activity! These involve:

  1. Walking with God daily and listening carefully for the promptings of the Holy Spirit, as God reveals Himself to you (Psalm 139:23-24).

  2. Seeking Jesus in all matters of your daily life, and running to Him when problems assail or decisions need to be made.

  3. Actively taking time away from all else just to wait upon God, as you open your heart to His will and purpose for you as you serve in His kingdom.

And just as diet and exercise keeps your physical heart’s vessels from getting blocked, leading to heart problems (what doctors call “hardening” of the arteries), keeping the channels of your spiritual heart open will help you avoid hardening your heart to God (Exodus 9:34). Whether it be small glances heavenward, brief chats with God, or dedicated and longer times spent on your knees (physical or spiritual!), prayer is the vital channel to keep open for spiritual health and wellness.

So, you see, you have two hearts beating inside of you. Both of them are vital centres of your existence, and both need to be cared for and nurtured. By so doing, you will find fullness of life here on earth and for eternity with God. 

May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5).


Low Wye Mun (Dr)

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


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