HVMC…Almost a ‘Teen’

L-R : Rev Dr Noel Goh, Rev Loretta Lim, Dr Cheah Fung Fong (TRAC Vice-President), Mun Kwok On (LCEC Chairperson), Angela Tan (PPRSC Chairperson), Bishop Dr Gordon Wong (Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Rev Jeremy Ong, Jacqueline Seow (Lay Leader)

The service on 14 July, the 12th anniversary of HVMC, kicked off with a breakfast of ‘siew mai’ and ‘char siew pau’, at the Connect Corner, while members and visitors perused a curated timeline of special moments and events in our church.

(For those of you who missed reading the testimonies, Celebrating 12 years of God’s Faithfulness, here’s the link)

This year’s anniversary theme was REMEMBER, REJOICE, RENEW. Our guest speaker Bishop Dr Gordon Wong delivered the message of God’s steadfast love, from Lamentations 3:22-25 and Isaiah 40:31. During the service, the HVMC choir performed a beautiful rendition of “We Worship as One”. There was much excitement when the cake was wheeled in for the cake-cutting ceremony with our invited guests.

The service ended with the benediction given by our special guest, Rev Dr John Alderdice, the president of the Methodist Church in Ireland for the Connexional year 2024-2025.

After the service, everyone headed to the canteen where they were treated to ice cream, nachos, cupcakes, and of course, a slice of the birthday cake. 

Ng Wan Ching

Three of our church members share how God led them to HVMC and how our church has made a difference in their lives:-

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many aspects of our lives were upended, including church. For our family, this period marked a pivotal shift from our longstanding church community at Wesley to a new home at HVMC.

As restrictions eased and Wesley remained virtual, the physical reopening of HVMC caught our attention. Our then energetic four and six-year-old kids found it challenging to engage in virtual services, and the opportunity for them to attend Sunday School at HVMC seemed like a lifeline.

Our intention was merely to visit HVMC temporarily until Wesley fully reopened. However, our children quickly became attached to HVMC. While my heart leaned towards Wesley, where we had established roots and friendships, we prioritised our children's growth and comfort. No matter how we looked at it, adapting to a new environment would be easier for us adults than for our children.

Reflecting on this, I now see it as a subtle nudge from God. Perhaps He was guiding us towards HVMC for reasons beyond our immediate understanding. We made the leap of faith, trusting that God had a purpose for us in this season of our lives.

Over a year has passed since we made HVMC our home church. As an introvert, easing into a new community has been gradual but surprisingly comforting. God has orchestrated our journey here in ways that reassure us of His presence. From Janine Boon’s timely introduction to the Children Ministry on my first visit to HVMC, to the life group we are now a part of, each encounter has felt like a piece of a larger plan unfolding.

My husband’s involvement in the worship ministry, playing the guitar, has further cemented this. Through service and fellowship, we are not just attending a church but also participating in the community.

Our journey at HVMC has been a testament to His faithfulness and provision. In a world shaped by uncertainty, finding a church where our family can grow and thrive has been a blessing. Our experience at HVMC is a reminder that sometimes, the most spontaneous decisions can lead us to exactly where we need to be.

Esther Yeap

I first started worshipping at Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) when I joined the Boys Brigade in Secondary one, and was baptised by Rev David Wee. Eager to find out more about the charismatic movement, I decided to leave BRMC after 15 years, and have attended several churches since.

Over the years, I kept bumping into Mun Kwok Onn, and each time he would invite me to attend HVMC. After the COVID-19 lockdown, I decided to visit HVMC in March 2022 during Easter.

Coming from BRMC, I was familiar with the order of worship at HVMC and felt comfortable to eventually be part of the congregation: the sermons are practical and useful and the people warm and friendly. During Christmas 2022, I joined the choir and it reminded me of my days in the Youth Choir at BRMC. I am also part of the Life Group, "Koinonia", and benefit from the meaningful sharing and discussions during our fortnightly meetings.  And once a month, I serve as an usher.

I also attend the monthly Prayer and Worship Nights, and strongly encourage everyone to gather for a time of communal worship, as we watch out for the day of the Lord's return.

Martinn Ho

When we moved to Singapore, I immediately started looking for a church. In the Netherlands, we attended a Presbyterian church in Rotterdam, so we looked for something similar in Singapore. We discovered HVMC, and quickly noticed that we felt comfortable here. It felt like we were led by God. 

What I find very special and what deeply touches me is experiencing that, on the other side of the world, people are just as passionate about God as in Rotterdam. I experience God's presence in the church — during worship and service, but certainly also in the interactions with others. I have been able to make many friends in the church, friends who have regularly encouraged me, especially during difficult times. I am very grateful for that.

Church Camp in 2023 was a special weekend, where we could immerse ourselves completely in God's presence. We really missed it this year.

I have also experienced many blessings being part of the Children Ministry, first with the toddlers and later with the P2s. By translating God's Word into language children can understand, it came to life for me in a new way.

In addition, I really appreciate that my children have found their place here too and have found friends at church.

Amélie (11 years old)

I love Sunday School because I get to learn about Jesus and make new friends. I'm thankful for the fun activities and the kind teachers.


Stach (8 years old)

At HVMC Sunday School, I enjoy listening to the stories and playing with my friends.


Jolie (6 years old)

I like singing songs and playing with the other kids. Sunday School is fun!

We are truly thankful for the welcoming and supportive community at HVMC. It has been a wonderful experience for our family, and we look forward to continuing our journey with all of you.

Wilma Schinkelshoek

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


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