God in Big & Small Things

When I was approached to write this article, the first thing I did was to ask my children, “Do you think God is in our family?” One of them replied without hesitation, but with a frown, “Duh”, which meant I was asking the obvious. It is our prayer that God will encounter each one of our children in the family and in their individual lives.

Some years ago, sinkholes started to appear more frequently on Singapore roads. We started each car ride praying that we would not fall into one of those sinkholes. During other times, my wife would often pray for God to provide a carpark lot, when there were limited parking spaces in malls during peak hours. Often, God provided a convenient lot for us, a car filled with hungry children. Sometimes, God provided even before we prayed! We certainly pray that our kids will encounter God in their everyday life, through prayer, in the big and small things.

Inculcating good relationships within the family can be challenging at times, especially with large families. There will be times when we hurt each other with careless words or attitudes. We often remind our children (and ourselves) that our love for siblings and family members is a reflection of how much we love God.

We certainly pray that our kids will encounter God in their everyday life through prayer in the big and small things.

“Please”, “thank you” and “sorry”, are indeed the simplest but most difficult words to say in relationships.

One of the habits that we try to inculcate in our kids while they are young, is to develop a healthy relationship with money. Each time my wife gives them their allowances, she will remind them to set aside one portion for tithing and another portion for savings, before they use the rest for spending. As they grow to appreciate the value of money (especially ang bao money), it is our hope that these habits that they develop from young, will lead them to encounter the God who provides. My wife and I often joke with our children that their inheritance will be the stacks of spiritual journals recording our personal journeys with God.

The lyrics of the song, “Find Us Faithful” by Steve Green, remind us that we are torchbearers for our children and the next generation. May God help us!

“After all our hopes and dreams
Have come and gone
May the clues that they discover
And the memories they uncover
Become the light that leads them
To the road we each must find.” 

John Xie


EDITOR’S NOTE: We look forward to hearing from you on this subject, as by sharing, we are encouraging each other to have God’s presence prevail in our families.

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


A Spirit-Led Church Camp


Women in Christian Service