Music for God’s Ears
This is a typical Sunday morning for most of us at HVMC: head to church, sing the worship songs, pray, and listen to the pastor preach.
But what makes Sunday service all possible? What goes into getting our hearts ready to listen to God’s Word?
Worship Team in prayer before service
For the band, it all starts when the worship leader decides on the most appropriate songs that will align with the chosen theme and sermon passage. The rostered band members then practise these songs on their own before meeting up with the rest of the worship team, on the Saturday before Sunday service.
Behind the scenes
The Saturday practices are crucial, as the video and sound teams will set up and ensure all the equipment and audio-visual materials are in working order, from the sound system to the video cameras and the visuals to be presented. On Sunday morning, everyone then turns up early for a final round of practice and preparation before the congregation arrives.
As you can imagine, it is sometimes easy for each group within the Worship & Music Team to be comfortable within our own spheres, and to forget that there are so many moving parts that come together to form a complete picture, so that the Sunday service can go smoothly.
One of the ways that the Worship & Music Team engages its members is through weekly devotion readings, band training and (more recently) BBQ fellowship sessions. The fellowship sessions are a great initiative by the lay volunteers and a wonderful opportunity for all involved to interact and get to know each other better, outside the context of the Sunday service.
“It’s an eye-opener to see how the video, music, service and camera crew come together during each Sunday service. Personally, it has been rewarding to realize that among the varied gifts God has gifted to all of us, He has also given us the ability to learn. It has been refreshing for a newbie like me to pick up a few camera techniques. The bonus is that I get to enjoy serving with a group of fun people! This is a ministry for anyone! All that is required is the desire to learn something new for the love of God and in the process, cultivate relationships.” - Jenny Bose
Interested in getting involved? Reach out to Theophilus, our Lay Ministry Staff (Worship & Communications), at No matter your skill or experience level, all are welcome!
Rachel Ng
Worship & Music Team