God’s Spirit is on the Move
Much like how the Israelites would have feasts and festivals to commemorate what the Lord has done for them, so we at HVMC have ACS Sunday every first Sunday in March to reaffirm our commitment to God’s call to reach out to ACS (International).
This ACS Sunday, as I was preparing to give an update on the progress of our School Ministry, I was especially stirred by a quote from CS Lewis’ “Narnia”: “Aslan is on the move!” Prayer precedes revival, and in church history we see the Lord moving His people to pray before a mighty move of the Spirit ensues. Similarly, that is what I have been observing happening on the ground in ACS (International).
From prayer meetings held twice per term with the staff of ACS (International), to monthly prayer meetings with the parents, and with the students, to the start of the first-ever Praying Fathers’ Group, we see the Holy Spirit calling us to pray and to seek His face. Furthermore, we have been seeing an increasing number of students attending Christian Fellowship (CF), such that I am convicted that truly our God is on the move!
The Principal of ACS (International), Gavin Kinch, preached at ACS Sunday on 3 March, on the topic “From Small Things, Big Things Grow”. I would also like to affirm that though these “clouds of prayer” are but the size of a man’s fist now, in His time, God will use them to precipitate a mighty downpour of the Spirit.
There will be many milestones in God’s move and one of it is the Religious Emphasis Week (REW) that took place during Holy Week. This year, various activities were planned for the school, in collaboration with the Praying Parents’ Group (PPG). On Holy Monday, students came to school greeted by parents and CF students waving palm leaves! Exhibits depicting the events of Holy Week were prepared and set up by CF students and displayed in the Student Centre. The PPG also prepared cards with blessings to give out to the students and planned an Easter ball treasure hunt for the entire student population.
(Frm R to L) Christopher Hayward (Vice-Principal), Gavin Kinch (Principal), Kristopher Achter (Vice Principal), Wayne Sim (Speaker from YWAM) with daughter Bethany, Annette Lee, Benjamin Quek (LMS), Ps Jeremy Ong (Chaplain In Charge), Raphael Foo (Annette’s husband), Esther Kasinathan (Christian Ministry Staff), Ps Joseph Vasanth (Chaplain)
Two keynote speakers were invited: Annette Lee, a local celebrity, came to share her journey of faith, and Wayne Sim from Youth with A Mission (YWAM), shared two messages based on the Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Prodigal Son. Finally, when the time of response came, 30 students received Christ, 82 re-dedicated themselves and 103 students wanted to find out more about God! We covet your prayers as we follow up with them. Thank God for His work in our midst!
We are looking forward to the lunchtime Alpha course, that will be run in July for students, to continue sowing God’s Word into their hearts. May we remain faithful in the place of prayer, till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the field is counted as a forest! (Isaiah 32:15) Truly, the best is yet to be!
Benjamin Quek
Lay Ministry Staff (School Ministry)