Starting Young!


By Janine Boon
Lay Ministry Staff
Children, Youth & Family Life Ministry

Front L to R: Deborah, Janine, Eliza, Evangeline
Middle L to R: Thomas, Bailey, Ezrela, Benjamin, Owen, Erika
Back L to R: Sophie, Karik, Elliott 

The genesis of this youth mission to Timor-Leste started at the end of 2023, when some youths approached us with the possibility of going on a mission trip. Heartened by their request, we decided to work towards making this a reality. 

Preparation for this project was quite challenging, as it was our first time bringing a youth team to Timor-Leste. However, we experienced God’s guidance and provision through His people. A big ‘thank you’ to Sarah for helping to train the team; the HVMC congregation for their generosity in funding the trip; pastors, church leaders and parents for their unwavering support; and Methodist Missions Society for their invaluable advice in our planning and preparation.  

Our team, comprising nine youths and four accompanying adults, visited Timor-Leste from 24 to 30 November 2024. We had the opportunity to assist St Paul Methodist School in their post-exam activities, which included running activities for the students, packing and distributing compassion packs to needy Timorese families.


Here are what some of our youths have to say about their experience: 

Karik Cheng:

I was able to experience a new culture and to form bonds with students and teachers there. On top of that, I also learnt the importance of relying on God's strength throughout the week.

Deborah Lum:

It was such an eye-opening experience, from the simple interaction with the kids, to distributing the compassion packs. It really showed us how privileged we are and to appreciate what we have. 

Bailey Tan: 

I was initially nervous as it was my first mission trip. But Psalm 33 reminded me that our strength comes from God, and that He is ultimately the one who decides what happens. I got to experience what it was like to pray for the students, and I could see that they were comforted by our prayers.

Sophie Chew: 

My first time praying for someone was nerve wrecking, but I could feel God's presence and I started to tear and feel how God had used me during that time of confession and prayer and surrounded me with love. 

Eliza Tan:

If I were to sum up my experience from this mission trip in one word, it would be “Embrace”.  

Firstly, “Embrace God”. The Timorese children and adults we met demonstrated a wholehearted, uninhibited embracing of faith. They embodied a “come as you are” spirit, singly loudly and praying fervently to the Lord. They even have a 24-hour prayer room so that someone is always praying for Timor.

Secondly, “Embrace Timor”. Despite its status as one of the least developed countries, Timor has its own beauty. The people have kind hearts, are willing to help others, unbothered by what the world deems as problematic. It is easy to see why God cherishes this land.  

Finally, I learnt to “Embrace Self” by embracing my vulnerabilities. Managing my pre-existing medical condition while contributing to the school’s activities was challenging. Yet, a simple, spontaneous hug from a student reminded me of the coexistence of giving and receiving love in God’s kingdom work.

Elliott Koh:

Seeing the community of Timorese gathering together and praising the Lord revealed God's presence in their everyday lives. I am glad I went as the trip allowed me to have a better grasp on how to prioritise and love God. 

Ezrela Chao:

The trip was full of learning, thanksgiving and love. One day, after praying for a student for the first time, I wondered if I had done a good enough job ministering to her. But someone reminded me that making mistakes is okay. Being afraid to make mistakes is also okay. “…Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go" (Joshua1:9).

I was very grateful for the smiles and love extended to me, and the bracelets the students gifted me to take back home.

Owen Khouw: 

This trip has made me realize that the spirit to worship the Lord amongst Singaporeans isn’t as zealous as that of the kids in Timor Leste.  The majority of the kids sang during the 24-hour skipping challenge, and at the end of every single praise and worship time, they would sing the doxology, which really touched my heart.  

Erika Chou:

The friendships I have formed with the students will always hold a special place in my heart. The class of Grade 1 students who showed so much love and a girl who has become almost like a younger sister to me - all these have touched my heart and greatly encouraged me to return to Timor Leste and serve if the Lord calls me there again.

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Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.