Celebrating 12 Years of God’s Faithfulness



1st Church Camp
by Png Yanda

The inaugural HVMC Church Camp was held in June 2013 at Klana Resort, Seremban, Malaysia. Being a newly formed church, there was excitement in the air as to how the Camp would turn out, and how God would lead HVMC to ARISE through Accountability, Reverence, Integration, Sharing, and Encouragement.

I recalled struggling with the decision to attend the camp, as I thought of the logistical nightmare of travelling with our five-month-old baby. However, through lots of encouragement and persuasion from others (mainly my wife), we decided to go.

The Camp was an eye-opener, as I was touched by the encouragement shown to my young family, with many helping to tend to my baby and sharing parenting tips. At a church level, I felt that God was working to deepen relationships among the campers and ignite a passion for continued service within our church.

The Camp fostered a sense of unity and purpose among the campers. Engaging discussions, uplifting worship sessions, and heartfelt conversations, deepened our connections with God and each other. Encouraged by the bonds formed during the Camp, many of us felt inspired to volunteer in various church activities and ministries.


MOSAIC@HVMC’s 1st Anniversary
by May Oon Filmeridis

It’s now just over a decade that Mosaic, our Church newsletter, has been in existence, and I thank God for His faithfulness in helping our committee to stay the course and to carry the news of His love, light and hope into our community.

I remember distinctly, the first time Pastor Bernard Chao raised the subject of starting a church newsletter during a sermon, and I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to volunteer to head the project. As challenging as it can be at times, I have never looked back - I have been blessed with a sub-editor who is reliable, capable and organized, as well as a team who never fails to rise to the tasks at hand.

Now, reflecting on the first anniversary of Mosaic (July 2014), I can only remember acknowledging how God helped us make it through the first year.  He helped us fill the pages of our then quarterly newsletter with news and articles written by the Mosaic team, as well as contributors from the church.  It laid the foundation for Mosaic’s role in HVMC, to disseminate news, and also provide devotional stories and testimonies that might transform hearts and minds.


Filipino Fellowship (Ministry Fair)
by Rubelin Vincente

L - R: Jennelyn, Rubelin, Rovelyn

Ministry Sunday in 2015 was so much fun for me! It was an event where different ministries shared their visions, activities and needs. The Filipino Fellowship set up a booth with brochures, flyers, props, videos and photos of our projects, events and accomplishments.

To get the congregation’s attention, our sister, Rovelyn Clarin, dressed up as an angel! It was very tiring work, but her perseverance led to one sister joining the fellowship. We grew little plants in eggshells as a reminder that as we know more about God, our little faith will grow to become fruit bearing plants!

Through the fair, we discovered our passions, hidden talents, new skills, and had a chance to share our faith with others. Some members of the congregation volunteered to teach us new skills that we could bring home to the Philippines, such as first aid, organic farming, cooking, and even how to start a small business! These were amazing fruits we harvested from the Ministry Fair! 


1st Mission Trip
by Vinnu Vas

For its inaugural mission trip in Dec 2016, HVMC chose Chiang Mai as the destination. 12 of us responded - 10 church members, one staff, and one student from ACS (International).

We partnered with San Phranet Methodist Church, spending four days working alongside the church workers. Their congregation was made up mostly of children and youth, many of whom travelled for hours to get to church. Our Thai counterparts would often spend the whole weekend, interacting and engaging the youths with activities. A large part of our time was spent visiting and praying for the families of the church members. I remember meeting a couple who had been suffering from severe insomnia for several years. Irwan, the student from ACS (International), led them in a heartfelt prayer, which moved us all to tears. We were truly touched by our encounters during the trip.

I had prepared daily devotions well in advance of the trip, with no knowledge of what each day had in store for us. Yet, I was always awestruck by how God used those devotionals to prepare us for the events that would unfold during the day. On our last night, as we reflected on the whole trip, we came to the unanimous conclusion that, while we went to be a blessing to the people in Chiang Mai, we were the ones who left, blessed by the experience.


“You Are Special” Easter Play
by Mitchell Chew

Performing as Punchinello, in HVMC’s Easter play, “You are Special”, was both an incredible opportunity and a terrifying experience.

To be the lead, with no acting experience, was daunting, yet I knew this role was not just about acting. This play was a collective effort by HVMC to evangelize and share God’s message. Knowing the higher purpose was what helped me dedicate myself to this role, and over the course of the production, I saw firsthand the love and purpose of God in HVMC.

HVMC had never put together such a large production, so it required all the HVMC staff, youth and children to work together. Whether it was costume-making by the children, or the acting lessons a staff offered to give me, God brought our church together in a beautiful way.

This wonderful production allowed me to invite some of my pre-believing friends to church for the first time. I am so proud of this play, and the ways God brought our church together, to deliver His message to those within and outside our community.


A Personal Testimony of Healing & Salvation
by Danny Lum

On 7th August 2017, I learnt that Helen, my wife, was diagnosed with cancer. Immediately, panic set in. Then I remembered reading about King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 19, just the day before. When Hezekiah received the threatening letter from the King of Assyria, he turned at once to God. He took the letter and “spread it before the Lord”, asking God to “see and hear” the words. I decided to emulate Hezekiah. I knelt down and placed the medical reports on the floor. I muttered, “Lord have mercy…”, then words failed me.

Six months later, in February 2018, after four of the six prescribed immunotherapy treatments, another PET Scan was done primarily to track the progress. The results staggered everyone. The cancer tumours that had spread all over her body, had totally disappeared. The oncologist himself declared, “This is a miracle!”

During the months of anxiety, Helen was the recipient of an outpouring of kindness from so many people. In HVMC, even those whom we have had only a ‘nodding relationship’, came forward to pray with her, offering gentle words of encouragement.

Whilst my attention was focused on Helen, I did not realise God’s hand was at that very same time reaching out to another member of my family.

Years earlier, Helen and I had visited my younger brother, Choong Yin, when he was stationed in Vietnam. I shared a simple prayer with him, acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In August 2017 when he returned to Singapore, he accepted my invitation to attend the Alpha course. One year on, he became an active member of HVMC, and together with his daughter Elizabeth, now serves with the video team.


The Marriage Course
by Andrea Chou

The Marriage Course (TMC) was run for the first  time in 2019 at HVMC. A total of six couples faithfully attended every session for the full seven sessions.

Hong and I had attended TMC in 2018, and having found it beneficial for our marriage, we wanted other couples in HVMC to experience the course.

Together with Jhun and Hazel Vincente, we transformed the Teacher’s Lounge on Friday nights into a cozy restaurant, serving the couples a romantic meal as they unwound and enjoyed a date night, watched a video teaching session, and explored different topics to build their marriage. Couples had time to enjoy private, intimate conversations.

We invited the couples from the first run to help as host couples for the second TMC run this March 2024, and were delighted that all gladly came forward to serve. We hope to continue TMC yearly to build strong marriages and families in HVMC.


COVID-19 & Circuit Breaker
by Candra & Joshua Xie

2020 was significant for me, as that was the year my brother, Joseph, was born, and COVID-19 struck. There was a Circuit Breaker, and all social activities had to be carried out online.

Despite all the hardships, I'm glad HVMC still carried on with all the Sunday services, Sunday school, and so much more. (Joshua Xie)

In 2020, we had to attend Sunday School on Zoom instead of having it in church because of the lockdown. Worshipping with my family at home did not feel very different because I would regularly sit with them during Holy Communion Services. I missed going to church physically, but my friends and teachers in my Sunday school class made the online lessons more enjoyable. I was thankful that I had pretty strong friendships with my batch mates, so even though we couldn't meet physically, during online lessons we would still be able to chat over Zoom without feeling awkward. Till this day, I am still very close to all the friends I grew up with, and I also talk to my Sunday School teachers in church when I see them. (Candra Xie)


Block Blessing during COVID-19
by Bobby Yun

My name is Bobby Yun and I am 51 years old. I want to thank and praise the Lord for His boundless love and infinite grace upon my life. His guidance, mercy, and blessings have been a source of strength and joy. God has provided for me, and my family, through HVMC, especially during the difficult time of the COVID-19 lockdown. Despite the challenges, God never failed to help us, continually providing for us all these years. I am deeply grateful to HVMC and my befrienders for their support and kindness. Thank You, Lord, for Your everlasting grace and the wonderful people You have placed in our lives.


Resuming Normalcy Post COVID-19
by Hari Vaerhn

Happy 12th Birthday HVMC!  One of my enduring memories of my early years in HVMC was the familiar hymns from my childhood and the routine of a structured service.

As COVID-19 hit, I remember being asked to help our church go “digital”, and I said, “Sure!” Before I knew it, it has been four years and this journey deserves its own chapter. 

As a member of the video team, I had a front row seat in the transformation of the worship and music team, and also the measured steps and growth of our church.

I remember scribbling down all the new songs we were adding to our worship repertoire one Saturday so I could get a sense of flow, timing and video angles. Likewise, the young projectionist beside me was also making her own notes. I asked, “Oh, are you trying to learn the new songs?” Her reply was, “I am learning the hymns.”  I chuckled to myself…It was not just the old ones like me learning new things, we were all learning to improve the worship experience.

Through this journey, I am reminded of these words during the team’s Saturday devotion that Pastor Jeremy and Theophilus had started us on - “Worship is about what we love. What we live for. It's about who we are before God.” (Bob Kauflin, Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God)


Finding Family in HVMC  
by Meilya Suanto

In 2023, my family was looking for a church as we had recently relocated to Singapore. Since my son, Owen, was attending ACS (International), we decided to visit HVMC to see if it was a church where we could be anchored in.

During our first few visits, we met many people and it was during a coffee session after service that we were introduced to Imelda. She was very welcoming and regularly checked in on us. Over time we got to know others and started to make friends over lunch and through the welcome corner. What warmed my heart most was seeing Owen really enjoy the youth sessions, and finding a community where he could grow in his faith, discover truths about God and see truth spoken into his life.

As we grew closer to the HVMC family, I decided to start serving in the Children Ministry. It has been so rewarding to not just do God’s work, but to also grow in my relationship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! We are so thankful God brought us to a church where we can grow spiritually as a family.   


1st ACS (International) Intern
by Kaela Ng

Being a student at ACS (International), as well as an active member of the school’s Christian Fellowship CCA, means I have always been curious about HVMC.

After leaving the School last year and returning to help with Chapel, Pastor Jeremy approached me and extended an invitation to become an intern at the church. At first, I was rather hesitant to accept, since I had other commitments but after praying to God, I decided to accept the offer.

Being an intern at HVMC was AMAZING and there were so many highlights of my internship like Religious Emphasis Week, the Outreach & Social Concerns’ Bird Paradise outing with families in our neighbourhood, in partnership with the School’s Interact Club, First Aid Training with Ben and Seng Peng, Youth Camp etc.

It was so much fun being an intern at HVMC. Being able to serve in ministries like Children Ministry and Worship, was a step outside my comfort zone. I’ve also made lots of friends along the way, with the youth and even the children, but overall serving in HVMC brought me back to serve in the place where my curiosity started, ACS (International).

Happy 12th Birthday HVMC! Always going to be a part of your mosaic. ❤️

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


From the Hill to the Village